Yes, we were too!! Asa was born two months early, on October 28th. (I can't believe it's already been three weeks!) He is doing very well and currently in the NICU, but we hope to have him home soon!
I had gone in for my routine visit and an extra ultrasound to check my placenta on Tuesday, October 26th. In my ultrasound, they found that I had very low amniotic fluid and he was measuring about 2 weeks behind. They also found a little protein in my urine, and my blood pressure was a little higher than normal for me. My doctor said that I had not been drinking enough water, and because of that, I was just probably dehydrated and just needed 48 hours of I.V. Fluid and I would be on my way. So, we went home, grabbed our bags, and checked in to the hospital for 48 hrs. During this time, my blood pressure was slowly rising, but the doctor said she was still unconcerned at this point; however, it didn't stop rising. Thursday morning they repeated my ultrasound, and the news was a little different than we expected. Although my amniotic fluid had increased, Asa was measuring now three weeks behind. My doctor came in and explained to me that on top of everything that was going on (blood pressure, him measuring behind, ect.) that the umbilical cord blood flow was also decreasing and that would, in time, just get worse and eventually be bad and decrease oxygen to the baby. So....instead of going home Thursday, I was scheduled for a c-section about 3 hours later.
What was going through my mind....???? Hmm...good question. I was SO scared, anxious, but very excited to meet him. I knew with all the events that had happened, that Asa would be just fine. We lightly discussed delivering at UAMS, and she felt like it was not necessary and he would be perfectly fine in the NICU at Willow Creek. Great!
I had trouble getting pregnant. Then, when I did get pregnant, my hcg levels were not rising and we discussed a possible miscarriage- but he fought through that. We had trouble finding a heartbeat, and had to come back two weeks later, anxiously wondering, and he fought through that. There was a concern of too small of a sac and my placenta being too low, and he fought through that. I went into preterm labor, had an ovarian cyst rupture, and an appendectomy when I was 25 weeks pregnant. They gave him steroid shots for his lungs in case he was delivered, but he fought through that. Now this... he was sooo ready to be here. He is our little fighter! He is NOTHING SHORT OF A MIRACLE FROM GOD. (exact words from my doctor). God is SO good!
Asa- Means "Doctor, Healer". Interesting, huh??
Here are some pictures of our sweet baby boy. I will update more often, now that I am healed and not quite as busy. :) For now...

Weight: 2lbs. 14oz.
Length: 16 1/4 inches

Currently, Asa is 3lbs. 10oz. He is up to 3 bottle feedings a day, although he still has his feeding tube for the rest of the feedings. He is almost in an open crib, which means he is maintaining his temperature well and weighs enough. He is about 2 weeks out from coming home as long as there are no set backs. He has been off all oxygen/room air about a week after he was born. His head ultrasound detected ZERO bleeding. What a praise!!! Please pray for his health and growth. We want him home!!!
Ok, bawling after that post. Thank you for that update. Please keep them coming. I think about you guys everyday!!! I know you are so ready for him to be home and for life to become somewhat normal again. Praying for yall!! Love all three of you.
ReplyDeleteHe truley is a MIRACLE!!! Ive been following your blog and it is amazing on what your little fighter has endured. Our son was born 7 weeks early bc I had HELP Syndrome- he was 3lbs 9 ozs and the pictures of your son are stirring up some intense memories. Our little man just turned 2 last week- cherish this time- it will go by very quickly.
ReplyDeletePrayers from Omaha NE :)
Congratulations on your beautiful little miracle. I actutally saw over on Katie's blog that you had delivered early but that all of you were doing really well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates. I look forward to watching Asa grow. He is such a cutie!!
You are all in my prayers.
My husband and I will be praying for your family. God is SO good; and nothing is impossible or too hard for Him (Luke 1:37). God has mighty things in store for Asa; and for you all as his parents.
ReplyDeleteHi. . .I found your blog and wanted you to know I had a similiar experience last january with my little girl. She was delivered at 32 weeks b/c of my high blood pressure and her heart rate dropping. It was such a scary time for us (we also had a toddler at home). Ava grace was delivered at 4lbs and spent two weeks in the NICU. We named her "grace" because we felt God's grace was sufficient for us through this whole experience. Ava grace is truly our miracle baby. It's been almost a year and I can still remember all the events of the day so clearly. We are so thankful to the Lord for our precious gift
ReplyDeleteAll that to say you're not alone. We are praying for you and your family. We pray for safety and a quick homecoming for Asa. Love, Danielle and family (
What a beautiful baby! I hope all goes well. I will be praying for Asa and your family.
ReplyDeleteHello from Maryland,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that your little one will be in my prayers!
That is some crazy, fascinating stuff. And as a fairly experienced kicker, I have to say the boy had potential way back then. You need to nurture Ace’s natural talent in that area.
ReplyDeletemy name is Asa james lucier n my birthdays october 8th came across this n had ta say sumthin i was also born with difficulty
ReplyDeleteWhat an adorable bundle of joy you now have. I could not help but to comment. I had an ovarian cyst through my pregnancy it was a very rough road but I was blessed to make it to 37 weeks with her. I have not talked to anyone that has had a ovarian cyst while pregnant I am interested to know how far along you where when they discovered the cyst or was it when they went in they discovered the cyst? How big was the cyst? Are you planning to have more children?