4 months old already?!?!?!
Yes, he is surprised too!! I can't believe that he is four months old! To see where we have come from four months ago to now, is quite amazing to me! He is such a joy, and even though the first couple of months were different than we expected and very difficult at times, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! We have had fun watching him grow, and learning how to parent. He has completely stolen my heart!! I wonder how I could possible love another baby as much as him (people tell me all the time that I will just as easily)!
He plays with his toys, and this week learned that he can put them in his mouth! Little Flirt!
Size 0-3 month clothes, but transitioning to 3-6 month soon!
Size 1 diapers.
He smiles all the time.
He plays with his toys and is learning how to grab them and put them in his mouth.
He is taking 4.5 ounces every 4 hours.
He still sleeps from 8:30 p.m-7:30 a.m.
He goes to therapy twice a week to help with his development. (physical therapy and occupational)
He had a CT scan at his 4 month check up- it showed some fluid outside his brain, but there is no concern there, and they will watch it and assume it will go away on its own.
His acid reflux has gotten SO much better.
I can't wait to see his personality continue to develop!
We are praising the Lord for such a healthy baby!
Also this week, was my birthday! I had a great time with so many great friends (and some were missing)! Here are a few pictures:
Me, Leah (my sis), and Shannon